Monday, September 21, 2009

Julia and Jeremiah

Every wedding is a learning experience for me. Whether that lesson learned is to watch where I park so my car doesn’t get towed, remember to hold on to my purse when running through the rain, or to laugh at my foolishness instead of crying, I learn. But through all that-I learned something better at Julia and Jeremiah’s Wedding. I realized that life is too short to be uptight about things that don’t matter. These two are the most laid back couple I have ever been around. It was pouring rain for 24 hours straight when Julia was supposed to have her reception outside at a beautiful Bed and Breakfast-and she just smiled and knew it would be okay because she would be married to her best friend at the end of the day. Jeremiah’s contagious laugh continually made the chapel brighter. This wedding was a joy to be a part of- I am so blessed to know these two, and to have even the tiniest part in their amazing story. Thanks, J & J, for being so in love and for choosing to laugh at life-even through the rain.

We'll start it off with this sweet poem that Julia's mom wrote.

PRECIOUS flower girls!

Sweet, sweet girls!

The boys were so much fun as they “suited up”


Groom/Bride anxiously waiting for the wedding to start…so cute!

He's totally cheating
It was pouring rain all day and I was so sad because it was so beautiful around the chapel-and because I had never shot group photos inside a tiny chapel with 75-100+ guests…I had a mini mental breakdown for a second but I got over it when I saw…this.

Attempt #3 at a jumping picture…it isn’t perfect but it sure was funny!

The spots are a mixture of Grain, Rice, and Rain!
There were so many that I wanted to post, but my eyes are yelling at me to stop. I hope that you are all having a blessed life. See you soon!
Grace.Peace.Beauty. LOVE

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

beautiful julia

Whew. What a story. That is all I can say about my past weekend at Julia and Jeremiah's Wedding in Fort Worth. And I am not just talking about the unfortunate events (and great story) that occurred involving myself (full story to come), but I am talking about a story about a boy and a girl who fell hopelessly in love-and what an amazing experience it was to watch that love shine. Through the rain, and chaos of the weekend Julia's laid back personality and Jeremiah's contagious laugh overcame it all. Nothing was going to stop the fact that they were getting married, or that their day was to be anything shy of perfection.

As I am going through the hundreds of photos of this weekend, I wanted to share a few of Julia's bridals. We didn't get to do a whole lot due to some weather issues, but I am looking froward to shooting a day after session with the newlyweds. (A Day-After session is when the married couple dresses up in their wedding garb, and models. It is great-so I hear-because you aren't limited on time and creativity, due to a reception and/or wedding that must take place. It can be the day after your wedding, or maybe two weeks after-whatever works for you.)

Nonetheless-here is the gorgeous girl!

That's all for now-but be looking for pics from their Wedding soon!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


There I was, up at 5:50 am to make my hair especially straight. After all, it was Casey. I was shooting with Casey. I have stalked them for what seems like forever on their blog! I have to remind myself to stop being weird, and just go on with my day, like a normal person. I rushed out of class to go work out when I get a note. It says, "Happy Shooting with Casey Day!" in squiggles and I have to curse Anna's ability to know what I am feeling at any given point. The next few hours pass quickly, and I finally get there-and had a blast.
I have admired Casey and Aric's ability to capture life and love for quite some time. All night, I continually made a fool of myself by making references to blogs she had posted, and numerous events in her life but she just laughed (nervously, but still laughed) and pretended to ignore how crazy I was. Nonetheless, I truly admire people who inspire, because that is all I long to do with my own life. And Casey is that-an inspiration, both as a photographer and a person, and I can't thank her enough for taking time out to just hang out and do what we love together.

Here is the only pic I have of her...she didn't want to model for us. Why? Is beyond me!

The beautiful Anna...

And I will end with this narcissistic picture that I asked Casey to take. It's not because I wanted a picture of me, honest. I really love my new bag :)

Grace.Peace.Beauty. and Inspiration to you all.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Life and Birthdays.

Everyone has one. It is one of the best days of the year. There is cake, and not just any cake but white sheet cake with really fattening, sugar infested, kill a diabetic kind of icing. You have your loves around to celebrate, and get a bazillion comments on your facebook wall, due to that awesome and friendly reminder that they have. Yes, darlings it is your birthday. All day yesterday, I waltzed around singing “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!” and using the excuse to eat poorly and indulge in any and every dessert I could get my hands on. It was by far, one of the most blessed birthday’s I have ever had. It reminded me how much God has given me.

If you know me, you know that I love birthdays. Not just my own, but anyone’s because they are so much fun, you get cake, and you get to celebrate the amazing year that has just passed and the blessed year to come. Here are a few pictures to share, and a few “thank you’s” along the way…
This was one of the most delicious cakes I have ever had. You say, “Why? It’s just a cake?!” Yes, but it is the kind of cake I ate as a kid. Not the “healthy” whipped icing or the “sophisticated” tart, but we are down to the nitty gritty birthday cake…. I’m going to pull a Rachael Ray here and say “Yuummo!”

More Dessert…

My support system. I notice that any successful person has one of these. Someone to fall back on when your load is too heavy, or someone to laugh with, cry with, or maybe just sit with. These are them, and my life would fall to pieces without them.

My sweet boy. I love him more every day, and can’t imagine going a day without his goofy, sarcastic, and down to earth self. He keeps me grounded. He reminds me not to eat too much so I will still fit in dessert. He loves me when it’s not easy. He challenges me quietly. He gently pushes me to be better every single day, and I adore him for it all.

My Anna. She is always there to make me laugh. No matter how mad, irritated, or sad I am she cracks me up. She always understands and empathizes while still pushing me to do the right thing. She is so adventurous (well comparatively speaking to me, anyway). She is without a doubt the best best friend a girl could have!

At the restaraunt we ate at, if it's your birthday they will bring out this giant sombrero and play the macarana and sing happy birthday REALLY LOUD, I loved it :)

Presents never hurt to make the day a little brighter…especially not when it’s a Shootsac, by Jessica Claire!

Last, but not least, I want to thank my parents. (She begged me not to post a picture) They made my day amazing, and I think I only saw them for an hour and a half. They are so much of who I am, and I love them with all that I am!

I hope you are all having a great week, and check back for some fun updates soon!
Grace. Peace. Beauty.