Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mega-Post Numero Uno

Hello there. Well I have been working for umm, three hours or so on this blog, and was almost done when I preview it and see that HALF OF IT IS GONE! If I was in a comic, my eyes would be all swirly and there would be various symbols in my word bubble! Ugh! I swear I am computer literate, or I like to think so anyway...So here is what is left!

You have seen a few of Lindy and Nate in a few of my blog header choices and once before, but I just had to post one more...

A few bridals of Lindy...can you say gorgeous?

Lindy's brother Matt and his wife Taylor had me take a few of them before little Oliva was born...

(expect sweet baby pic's of her soon!)
One from a fun dance...

A sweet Senior/friend of mine, Sarah...

Sweet Kyler and Cooper...

Now, a good friend of mine, Jessica Dougherty, oh excuse me...Jessica Olson (as of yesterday) and her husband Taylor...

(Wedding pics to come soon!)

And sweet Lezli...

Thomas, her honey, stopped by for a little mini shoot...aren't they a gorgeous couple?

Sarah is up next, she was a blast!

And now for Robbie. Oh. My. Gosh. I have know this girl since I can remember and she has grown into such a beautiful young lady who is not camera shy in the least, can you tell?

Okay. Whew. I'm going to stop here with Mega-Post 1. I can assure all two of my readers at this point (hey, you have to start somewhere, right??) that I will not do this often. And all my clients will have more than two pictures per session, promise! I just wanted to share all that I have been doing. More will come soon, I'm almost caught up! Thanks for reading!
Grace, Peace, and Beauty

1 comment:

  1. Caitlin your shots are gorgeous, you have an amazing eye and an amazing touch, keep up the great work
