Saturday, July 18, 2009

Two Dogs and a Dude

Well, I am working on learning my new amazingly awesome camera and fun new lens, but just wanted to give you a few pics of what has been going on! When I got my new lens in, I didn't have anyone to practice on so I went outside and practiced on my dogs :)

Meet Winston... he didn't like my camera very much. He still growls at me when I go outside...

Meet Sam. My overweight, easy going, and very sweet Golden Retriever :)

And here is Aaron. He happens to be the sweetest and most talented young man I have ever met. He, my dear blog readers, has an album. Yes, you read right. An album, at the age of 13! He was so much fun to shoot and I know that his future holds amazing things, and I can't wait to see it unfold!

We decided on this for the cover of the album, what do you think?

Look for new photos soon...which will be taken with my new camera!! Can I get a whoop, whoop?! (And yes, I do realize how dorky that was, but I really don't care! :)) Grace, Peace, and Beauty to you all!